So it's been a while since my last entry, and I wanted to bring you up to speed on what's been going on at Cherry Hills.
This past Sunday night we just wrapped up a 4-week series called "The Least of These." Big props to Matt Bortmess at Rochester Christian for sharing the graphics with us.
We looked at the issue of social justice and Jesus' concern for the poor throughout the series, and asked people to give in several tangible ways, leading up to Thanksgiving. The results were unbelievable.
First, we put a shoe box under everyone's seat in the worship center and asked them to fill a showbox for Operation Christmas Child. People ended up returning 802 shoeboxes for children around the world!
Next, we asked people to take a "Limit Your Consumption" challenge for 5 days (Nov. 16-23) and eat only what 90% of the world eats (oatmeal, rice, beans and tortillas). Then with the money saved from eating on $2 a day, bring a bag of food for Contact Ministries and Salvation Army and/or bring an offering to give to Compassion International's Global Food Crisis.
On Sunday night at our Thanksgiving Service, people brought over 400 bags of groceries for local ministries, and I think over $2000 will be collected for the global food crisis.
I'm blown away by the generosity of God's people, and truly believe that if we'll look to Him this Thanksgiving we'll be filled with joy and generosity because of what the Lord has done for us.
Happy Thanksgiving!