Hey everyone. Lots of ground to cover this week, so I'll keep it relatively short and give you my two biggest take-aways from the week.
1. Praise is prevalent. What a great reminder that we were created to praise God and glorify him. As Moore said on page 25, "it is every believer's most natural response to God's power and grace."
Think about it, we're all wired to worship right. We go to concerts, ball games, broadway plays, and we stand and cheer, clap, shout, sometimes cry. We're just wired with an innate sense of worship. However, what happens to us is that we trade worship of the Creator for worship of created things. (Don't hear me say going to those things and cheering is bad, we just have to have priorities in place)
I said it last week, and I'll say it again, the best definition of worship is that it is a RESPONSE. Worship is our response to what we value most. That’s why worship is that thing that we all do. It’s what we’re all about on any given day. Because worship is about saying, “This person, this thing, this experience, this whatever is what matters most to me…it’s the thing I put first in my life.”
We were all created to worship, and we all worship something.
And this is why this is so important for us to get right…we become what we worship. Whatever you worship, whatever you put first, you become obsessed with. Whatever you become obsessed with, you imitate. And whatever you imitate you become. In other words, whatever you value most will ultimately determine who you are.
I pray that as a team, we put Jesus first. I pray that he becomes our obsession.
2. I had never heard about Perfect Praise before this week, and I still need to do some more thinking about it, but I truly appreciated his requirements for perfect praise: a worshipful and passionate heart, approach Him as little children, and have total dependence on God.
My confession is that every day I struggle to give God perfect praise, including days when I have to stand on stage and lead other people. I need to work on this, and want to come to a place where I worship him with a full heart, and a dependence, humility, wonder and awe that I see in children's eyes.
I'll finish with a quote from a guy named Bob Kaughlin. I'm reading his book right now, and he makes this statement that blew me away:
"I don't ever want people who see me lead worship publicly to be surprised by the way I live privately. It's not my songs that define my worship; it's my life." Amen.