With this week 7 reflection I am entering territory that worship wars are fought over - STYLE.
I taught this several weeks ago in church, and I believe this to my core...that worship services should be God-Centered, God-Focused, and God-Exalting. But how does that play out practically?
I appreciate how Moore believes this too, stating, "If God's Word is not concerned about style, why should we be up in arms about it?" He also says, "Style is not the issue with God. He loves all kinds of music - as long as it honors him. What matters is not so much what we sing, but how we sing it."
But come on, at some point a church picks a style of music and goes with it. I do believe at Cherry Hills we do evaluate new music Scripturally and Theologically, before style ever enters into the mix, but style has to be a part of the conversation.
What I would argue is that we don't choose all up-beat cutting edge songs to be introduced, and we don't choose to sing all hymns all the time.
I frequently say, "A good song, is a good song is a good song." Of the thousands of songs written today, only a few are worth singing, just like there are only about 50 out of 900 hymns in the hymnal worth singing.
As I evalute my own thoughts about Sunday services and songs, I'm getting better at being able to worship through all kinds of songs and musical styles, but the bottom line is I still have my preferences - and that plays out in planning worship services. I really do try to serve the people that come on Sundays, and that means providing people opportunities to respond to God in a variety of ways, but I still have my own personal preferences.
I'm still working on this, but I have a lot of room to improve.
I'm hoping my friend Chuck Bosworth writes in and comments on his experiences with his band Chapter 6 as they toured the country and visited different churches each Sunday. It's a story that has impacted me a number of time.
What stood out to you in Week 7, and how does this STYLE issue play out for you in Sunday services?