I'm part of this blog tour thing where I get asked to read books, and then eveluate them here. This is one of those books.
Dr. Albert Mohler Jr., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has written a new book called "The Disappearance of God," where he talks about the foundations of the Christian faith that are disappearing in this post-modern, pluralistic, relativistic world we are living in. If you would like to read more about the book, click here.
Surprisingly, as an academic writer, Mohler was pretty easy to read and understand. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised at some of the "core" truths Mohler decided to write about. I understand writing about the doctrine of perseverance; salvation by grace through faith; sin; the reality of hell; the emerging church; pluralism; and church discipline. But is "A Christian View of Beauty" really one of the most pressing issues?
Probably my biggest beef with the book was Mohler's argument against the emerging church. While I agree with almost every point he makes, and his reasons are biblical and solid, he needs to expand his resources against the emerging church past D.A. Carson's Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church.
In spite of this criticism, I would encourage people to pick this book up. If you are concerned about the church and how the church relates to culture this would be a good read for you. In the age-old battle to preserve the foundations of faith, it's up to a new generation to confront and disarm the contemporary shams and fight for the truth.
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