Last month I attended the Unplugged Conference at National Community Church in Washington D.C. A great conference limited to 50 pastors held at Ebeneezer’s Cofeehouse. This is a cool coffee house, actually owned and operated by the church. And I have to tell you the coffee they serve there is fantastic. I’m an admitted coffee snob, and this stuff was good. They serve Larry’s Beans coffee, which is fair trade and organic.
I liked the coffee so much that I ordered a pound of the “Frank’s Sumatra blend” when I got back to Springfield. And I plan to continue ordering from Larry’s.
I had heard of fair trade practices before, but I’ve been convicted lately to purchase fair trade products when I have the opportunity. Here’s some info on fair trade coffee if this is the first time you’re hearing about it: Over 70% of the world's coffee comes from small family farmers who don't have trucks to transport their crop and or access to info about its market value. Plus, there's been a huge oversupply of low grade, environmentally unfriendly coffee on the market which has caused ALL prices to drop. Even farmers who produce superior coffee get pressured to sell for prices that make it a struggle just to break even. Meanwhile the giant coffee companies that keep driving the prices down rarely if ever lower their prices for the consumer. (Taken from Larry's Beans website)
I liked the coffee so much that I ordered a pound of the “Frank’s Sumatra blend” when I got back to Springfield. And I plan to continue ordering from Larry’s.
I had heard of fair trade practices before, but I’ve been convicted lately to purchase fair trade products when I have the opportunity. Here’s some info on fair trade coffee if this is the first time you’re hearing about it: Over 70% of the world's coffee comes from small family farmers who don't have trucks to transport their crop and or access to info about its market value. Plus, there's been a huge oversupply of low grade, environmentally unfriendly coffee on the market which has caused ALL prices to drop. Even farmers who produce superior coffee get pressured to sell for prices that make it a struggle just to break even. Meanwhile the giant coffee companies that keep driving the prices down rarely if ever lower their prices for the consumer. (Taken from Larry's Beans website)
At Larry’s Beans they pay the International Fair Trade price on all their coffees, they visit the farmers regularly, and give the farmers repeat business. This allows local families who grow coffee for a living to make an honest wage for their work.
And while you won’t find the words coffee or fair trade in the Bible, there are plenty of examples of treating people with respect and fairness. Buying fair trade coffee won’t solve all of the world’s problems, but you can make a difference in someone’s life. Heck, if you’re going to drink coffee anyway, you ought to drink coffee with a cause! Let me know if you decide to go online and order Larry’s Beans.
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