Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday Instrumental

Cherry Hills believes in gift-based ministry. We believe that all followers of Jesus are given spiritual gifts in order to build up the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:1-11; 1 Peter 4:10). To that end, we encourage people to discover their gifts and get plugged into ministries that they can develop and utilize those gifts (which many times are the person's passion).

Worship arts uses this gift-based ministry philosophy, and strategically chooses people gifted in instrumental music, vocals, creative design, dance, drama, video, audio, bells and other worship arts to be lead worshipers during our Sunday morning worship services.

With that in mind, this past Sunday we were able to hear the gifts of a few of our instrumentalists. As I told the congregation Sunday, the creative team usually tries to pair the teaching message of the day with specific songs in the song set, choir presentation, and the offering music. Well, this past Sunday we were talking about Abraham giving Lot the first choice of land - and Abraham taking second place. We couldn't find any songs dealing with the giving away of land, so I asked our band to play during the offering.

You can listen to their instrumental by clicking on the mp3 player below.

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The guys came up with this in about 15 minutes on Wednesday night - talk about giftedness. Charles Rayot on drum set, Chuck Davidson on percussion, Alex Kinkaid on acoustic, Ron Dace on bass and Jeff Kruger featured on electric guitar.

Thanks to God for giving gifts, and thanks to these guys for using their gifts to glorify Him. I hope you enjoy the song.

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